Friday, January 05, 2007

Drug Rehab Success Story

My New Life - A Drug Rehab Success Story

I became aware of my addiction when snorting Oxycontin was not enough anymore, and I began to shoot it. Prior to that, I participated in recreational drug use since the age of 14. I went through the progression that one hears about so often; pot and alcohol, to LSD and ecstasy and cocaine, and ketamine, pharmaceuticals and then heroin.

The last years of my heroin addiction were the scariest times I could ever imagine anyone going through. I stole, lied, spent most of my day in the pursuit of opiates, and did all the terrible and pointless things that addicts do. When it came to the point that I was hiding from my probation officer and the law, and living either in the woods or in friends' closets for weeks, I decided that I needed to get help that would actually work. I did not want to do another 12 step program that would make me feel like I would never stop using and my life was just an endless cycle of relapses.

I walked home the afternoon of my decision, and my parents, in a last ditch effort to save the daughter they once knew, told me to find a program. I went online and filled out a questionnaire on a site that a friend had referred me to. Within hours, I received a call from a counselor. Two days later I was in the drug rehab.

This rehab program is unlike any other and I can't give enough thanks and gratitude to my parents and the creator of that technology, because there is really no other program out there that will change a tired and hopeless addict into a productive, happy, and sane individual again.

Anyone who's done this rehab program could tell you of the carefully laid out steps that guide one to an ultimately empowered and aware state where one's life becomes so much clearer. For me, what's really done it has been the ongoing drive to learn more and help others out of similar predicaments. I am now a staff member at Arrowhead and my whole life has changed. I am a respected and mature adult, with a family who believes in me again. I am married to a moral and upstanding man and work doing the most important and rewarding job in the world. I am healthy and clear about my future, and though I do not like the things that I did in my past, I have taken the steps to clear my conscience and make up the damage I have done to my loved ones so that I could learn and grow from these misdeeds. I do not know of any other program that helps someone do that.

For anyone out there that is struggling with addiction and wants to be free, for anyone who has a loved one or a neighbor or friend that needs a permanent solution, there is a program that will help once and for all.

T.P. Drug Rehab Program Graduate

Addiction can be overcome.

Resources for finding good drug rehabs:

Drug Rehabs that use successful drug rehab programs

Drug Rehabs that use successful drug rehab programs

Help with drug addiction and alcoholism

Drug Rehabs that work

Drug Rehab programs for cocaine addiction and other drugs

Resources for parents to find good drug rehab centers


Blogger Margret said...

For help with drug and alcohol addiction go to

11:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Narconon Arrowhead is a holistic, pro-active and all natural drug and alcohol rehabilitation center that effectively handles all aspects of addiction and allows an individual to achieve life long sobriety be happy, productive and successful. This rehabilitation center focuses on not only handling the physical aspects of addiction with a state of the art sauna detoxification program that completely diminishes any and all cravings, but the psychological and emotional issues as well. This approach to addiction has produced excellent results and allowed individuals to flourish and prosper. It's too bad individuals don't get here before they od or have to go to prison....they would still be alive and free today living a happy, productive and successful drug free life. Don't let drugs and alcohol continue to dominate your deserve better. Reach out for help....there are solutions available.

7:45 AM  

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