Monday, July 08, 2024

Chemical Imbalance

Chemical Imbalance There are many labels that people get put on by them by psychiatrists, and one of them is the chemical imbalance. So you go into a doctor's office and from across the room he tells you that you have a chemical imbalance. Well I recommend that next time somebody says that to you, you simply ask them; "oh really which chemical and how much?" They are somehow magically able to guess without taking any tissue tests, blood samples, hair, nothing, urine, that you have a chemical imbalance. And then they give you some ridiculous drug like Wellbutrin, Prozac or any number of drugs to fix this so-called chemical imbalance. Well first off when you were born your brain was not producing Wellbutrin, Prozac or any of those things so that's never going to fix this so-called chemical imbalance. Your body was never producing it, it will never be producing it. So when they give you that to fix this imbalance it's a lie, it's a big fat lie, they lie to your face. It's completely non-scientific as you can see because they guess from across the desk and they tell you this. Well that's ridiculous. So please don't buy into that, it doesn't exist, there is no such thing. Yes, when people use drugs the drugs burn off vitamins and minerals in the brain but those vitamins and minerals all come from food, they don't come from chemicals, they don't come from drugs. And when it comes to drugs to the brain, the body, the kidneys, the liver, a drug is a drug, a chemical is a chemical. There is no difference between legal or illegal. They all burn off vitamins and minerals which causes depression. Then when the brain gets very toxic people start they about suicide and that's how that happens. So don't let doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, lie to your face please.


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