Saturday, July 23, 2005

Drug Addiction - Parents Are The Last to Know

As we all know drugs are an international epidemic. "While there are many reasons for this, one thing we discovered while researching the information -- why parents are the last to know -- was that parents are a big part of the problem", said Joanna Young, of

Here is a comment from an 18 year old senior about this issue: "The big problem with parents," says an 18-year-old senior at a High School, "is I think a lot of them have tried it, but they're too scared to talk about it with their kids."

A recently released report from the Partnership for Drug-Free America reveals that this situation is becoming increasingly common. Based on data from its 17th annual tracking study of parents' attitudes towards drugs and teen drug use, the organization announced earlier this year that the current generation of parents is the most drug-experienced group on record (58 percent have tried marijuana at least once) and that the percentage of parents who report never talking with their child about drugs has doubled in the past six years, from 6 percent in 1998 to 12 percent in 2004.

As you can see the problem with parents cannot be taken lightly. While the above research is interesting, we uncovered even something more deep-rooted that has apparently been overlooked by current research, or not stated the way we have found it to be. Our new feature reveals the underlying reasons why parents are the last ones to find out their kids have a drug problem. This new found information opens the door for us to start addressing the bigger issue of kids and drugs which begins early on in a child's life.

You can help us continue this quest to help families deal with these problems before they start. The more correct information families have the calmer they feel about the subject. The more families that have this information, the better they will be. For help with overcoming drug or alcohol addiction or to request drug education personnel go to:

Friday, July 08, 2005

World on Drugs

Increasing areas of the Unites States are affected by the innocent looking white powder called, cocaine. "I recently moved my family into a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, the proverbial suburbia, so we were all very surprised to find that we had just moved into what used to be a 'crack house', said Joanna Young, Drug Rehabilitation Referral Specialist for;

Cocaine/crack is a strong central nervous system stimulant that interferes with the re absorption process of dopamine, a chemical messenger associated with pleasure and movement. The buildup of dopamine causes continuous stimulation of “receiving” neurons, which is associated with the euphoria commonly reported by cocaine abusers. Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. The duration of cocaine's immediate euphoric effects, which include hyper stimulation, reduced fatigue, and mental clarity, depends on the route of administration. The faster the absorption, the more intense the high. On the other hand, the faster the absorption, the shorter the duration of action. The high from snorting may last 15 to 30 minutes, while that from smoking may last 5 to 10 minutes. Increased use can reduce the period of time a user feels high and increases the risk of addiction.

Cocaine/crack was endemic in almost all 21 areas in 2002. Rates of emergency department (ED) mentions were higher for cocaine than for any other drug. ED rates increased significantly between 2001 and 2002 in Baltimore, and were highest in Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Baltimore, Miami, Newark, Detroit, and New York. In 2004, 3.7 percent of 10th-graders reported annual cocaine use, significantly below the peak in 1999, though year-to-year changes were not significant. Among 8th-graders, 1.1 percent reported annual cocaine use in 1991, a figure that increased to 3.0 percent in 1996, hovered around that point for several years, then dropped to 2.0 percent in 2004—significantly below the 1996 high point. Eighth-graders reported a significant decrease in perceived availability of both crack and powder cocaine in 2004. Twelfth-graders, however, reported a significant increase in perceived availability of both crack and cocaine in 2004.Some users of cocaine report feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. A tolerance to the "high" may develop—many addicts report that they seek but fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first exposure. Some users will increase their doses to intensify and prolong the euphoric effects. While tolerance to the high can occur, users can also become more sensitive to cocaine's anesthetic and convulsing effects without increasing the dose taken. This increased sensitivity may explain some deaths occurring after apparently low doses of cocaine.

To request drug education personnel to your school or group go to

Friday, July 01, 2005


This is a wake up call to anyone with a child. Following are two reports of deaths of children, very sad stories that could have been prevented had the parents and their children been armed with the tools of knowledge. "Some of you may be thinking that situations like these only happen to other people and they will never happen to you," says Joanna Young of the Drug Addiction Help Line (

Coroner's report

Eighteen-year-old female who attended a rave party between the hours of 2230 and 0230 hours at a vacant lot. Mother of decedent picked her up at which time the decedent appeared to be under the influence. Mother drove straight to Good Samaritan Hospital where decedent told staff that she had taken 3 Ecstasy pills at the party. Decedent kept in ER and monitored until about 0800 when she was released with doctor telling the mother that she would probably sleep for 18 hours and wake up with a headache. Decedent unable to get to car on her own and seemed to sleep the entire trip home to Sylmar. Decedent put to bed and checked on every 30 minutes or so by family. When checked on at about 1600 hours she was found not breathing so family called 911. Decedent taken to Olive View Hospital where she was declared dead in the ER at 1701 hours.

Coroner's report

On 7/11/01 shortly after 2000 Hrs the decedent, a 12 year old, was given ½ an “Ecstasy” tablet by her 16 year old boyfriend during a kiss. Shortly after they had sex, then ate and watched TV. At approximately 2130 Hrs she began convulsing, vomited then passed out. 911 was called and paramedics responded to the scene. They found her in full arrest, began CPR and transported her to LAC/USC. When she didn’t respond to resuscitative measures, death was pronounced at 2312 Hrs. The boy friend is in custody APD."Note that this is a common method used by young kids to share their experience," adds Ms. Young."

As you can see these are sad stories, but we are all responsible for making sure that they happen less and less. Children need to be fully equipped with all the information they need to make an informed decision.""During the course of this research, children that were being interviewed actually broke out in tears, they were so sure that friends they knew were doing drugs, were going to die.""We have an opportunity to reach kids with information about this drug before they go down the dark side of using Ecstasy. I hope this story illustrates the importance of this for all of you."

For help with overcoming drug and alcohol addiction or to request drug education personnel to your school or group, go to

-- Ms.Joanna Young has devoted 16 years to helping people, from all walks of life; free themselves of drugs and alcohol.