Wednesday, October 05, 2005


There is a website which should be on the “Favorites” sidebar of every Internet user out there. All parents, and their children, as well as anyone living on Planet Earth with its current drug epidemic should know about it. It is the Drug Addiction Help Line (

It contains information on all current illicit drugs, including LSD, crack cocaine, ecstasy and heroin, as well as marijuana and meth. It is written in easy to understand language while still managing to communicate specific information – what the drug looks like, its effects and its long term physiological effects, and more.

One of the things which makes this website different from most others on this topic is its condemnation of the use of drugs to help drug users kick their habit. This is an often-used technique that is seldom explained or even discussed, but it common in many drug rehabilitation programs. Methadone is an example of a drug that will be familiar to many people, having been used for years in the “treatment” of heroin addiction. That it only replaces one harmful drug with another, while enriching the methadone manufacturers, is seldom understood fully. Those who have attempted to stop their methadone use will tell you it is more difficult to quit than the heroin was.

A similar situation exists with the use of various psychiatric drugs in the treatment of drug withdrawal. The body does not differentiate between illegal and legal drugs; they are all toxins to the body. The goal of a good drug rehab program needs to include helping the individual quit the use of the drug along with addressing the underlying conditions that created the need for the drug. This has been found to be the key to success for non-drug-based rehab programs. Simply replacing one form of poison for another only helps the pharmaceutical companies, who already make billions of dollars from this form of re-directed drug addiction. In addition, many of the psychiatric drugs used in drug-based rehab programs have recently been relabeled by the FDA to include strong warnings about emergent suicidal behavior as a side effect. This is NOT something a person undergoing drug withdrawals wants to risk!

Currently, thousands of people around the world, in Ireland, England, Turkey, India, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the U.S. and many other countries have been aided through the Help Line, which will also direct you to drug-free drug rehabilitation programs, if you or someone you know is already involved in drug use and needs to quit.

Additionally, the website has a large number of news releases available for use. They cover different drug-related topics, including the proposal to provide ecstasy to our troops in Iraq, part of an experiment to treat soldiers suffering in different ways from their experiences in the war. This is information which needs widespread reporting in order to turn the tide of drug-dependency which is encroaching our entire culture.

Interested parties can also arrange for drug education through the site, so if you are part of a group, or know of any sort of group that could use more understanding of this problem, arrangements can be made to set up drug ed classes.

For help with overcoming drug and alcohol addiction, go to;

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Drug Addiction - Red Ribbon Week Approaches

October 22nd to 30th is Red Ribbon Week

What is Red Ribbon Week?It began as a grassroots tribute to DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) hero, Special Agent Enrique Camarena, who was murdered by drug traffickers. Within weeks of his death in March of 1985, Camarena's Congressman and a high school friend launched a Camarena Club in his hometown of Imperial Valley, California. Other clubs continued to spring up. Club members pledged to lead drug-free lives to honor the sacrifices made by Camarena and others on behalf of all Americans. From these clubs emerged the Red Ribbon Week Campaign.

Red Ribbon Week is now nationally recognized and celebrated to further the cause for which Camarena gave his life. It is also a symbol of support for the DEA's efforts to reduce demand for drugs through prevention and education programs. By wearing a red ribbon during the last week in October, Americans demonstrate their ardent opposition to drugs.

The U.S. centers celebrate Red Ribbon Week by redoubling their efforts. Through school presentations, distribution of drug education materials, and participation in many community based activities and events, they broadly distribute the message of "a drug-free life."

The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that drug use in the workplace costs employers approximately $81 billion annually in lost time, accidents, health care and workers' compensation costs.

· Substance abusers are six times more likely than their coworkers to file a worker's compensation claim.
· 60% of employed drug users work for smaller companies.
· 30% of drug abuse in the workplace involves prescription drugs.

More and more companies are addressing this problem by implementing a drug-free workplace program, consisting of drug education and training for workers and supervisors as well as employee assistance for those already involved with substance abuse.

For help with overcoming drug and alcohol addiction or to request drug education personnel to your school or group, contact: