Sunday, July 14, 2024

They dreamt of being many things

They dreamt of being many things I just wanted to tell you a little bit more about interventions. The first thing that a parent says when I recommend an intervention is that their son or daughter will absolutely not agree to go. Well, that's exactly why we do the intervention for people who do not agree to go, think that they don't want help, or who appear that they don't want help. Interventions are not for people who say, "Yes, I want to go, I want to get help now." They're for people who say no, who are very difficult to deal with, and who are very reluctant. But here's the thing you need to remember: each of those people who says they don't want help actually wants to be successful in life. They want to be happy; they want to be productive. They've dreamt of being all sorts of things, but never someone who is addicted and who lies and steals from his or her own family. Your son or daughter is actually waiting to be rescued because they do not want to live like this. That's the last thing they want. They don't know how to get out of it. They got into it somehow, made some wrong decisions and choices, and now they don't know how to get out of it. That is why they're waiting for you to rescue them. It doesn't matter what comes out of their mouth; that's just based on pain. They want help, but they don't want pain. What's happened is that they've tried to help themselves in the past. They either stopped using the drugs abruptly or went somewhere where they had to go cold turkey. All they got was pain. Sometimes doctors put people on medicines, but that actually increases pain. It makes them very, very uncomfortable. It increases their anxiety, depression, and mood swings. This is the kind of help that they don't want. They don't want pain. They absolutely, guaranteed, want help. But not pain. Now, I'll go into the kinds of rehabs that are, well, basically not very effective. A lot of them use group therapy. Group therapy is pretty much a bunch of guys sitting around in a circle listening to a bunch of guys. It's sort of like the blind leading the blind. Nobody has any solutions. They're all in there to find out what to do, not to listen to someone else's problems. Group therapy does not have a very high success rate, at best three to five percent. Then there are programs that actually make the person worse because they prescribe medicines. There are no medicines that cure addiction. It's like trying to get somebody to stop drinking vodka by putting them on rum instead. Well, they won't drink the vodka, but they'll be drinking the rum. The same thing happens when people are put on Methadone, Suboxone, antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds. All those are simply chemicals. Sometimes they're given benzos. Benzodiazepines are prescribed when a person can't sleep, but those are very, very, very dangerous drugs, and the chemicals really mess with the person's mind. So the more chemicals you put into somebody's brain, the more depressed they get. Because any chemical, legal or illegal, doesn't matter, all it does is burn off B vitamins. Lack of B vitamins causes depression. When you take chemicals for any certain length of time or long period of time, the brain gets very, very toxic. The person starts thinking that everybody would be better off without them. Chemicals in the brain always burn off B vitamins, which increases depression and suicide. Here's the thing to remember as well: the brain does not differentiate between drugs bought in a drug store or drugs bought on the street. Everything that the body ingests is considered a chemical. The glands, hormones, bloodstream, and cells don't think, "Well, this is the legal stuff bought in the store, and this is the illegal stuff from the drug pusher." No. Chemicals are chemicals. They always go in the wrong direction when it comes to getting the person off drugs because the last thing they need is more drugs. Now, the programs that actually work first take the person off drugs safely. Then they take vitamins, exercise, and go into a sauna and sweat. The only way to detox a body completely is by sweating. There are no magic tricks. There are no drugs to put into the body to get drugs out of the body. Those are gimmicks and they don't work and are very dangerous. So the only way to get drugs out of the body is to take vitamins, exercise, and sweat in a sauna. However, you're sweating for a really long period of time, every day for up to a month. So it needs to be done inpatient in a program that uses this type of method. When you're sweating out toxins, you're also sweating out good stuff. It's a very, very scientific process and you're taking vitamins, minerals, and oils to make sure that this is done correctly. After the sauna detox, then they get into education and life skills. That's when a person gets the tools they need to be successful in life. Because once upon a time, your son or daughter, husband, wife, or friend had a problem. They didn't know how to fix that problem, so they started using substances. Well, obviously, that's not the correct solution. That solution has now become a bigger problem. Please join me next time, and I will go into further detail on the rehabs that are actually effective and get the person off drugs and set them up for life so that they can be happy, productive, and successful.


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